12/14/12... this lively chap walked away with 2 tickets to come see us again!
12/21/12 these guys survived the Mayan apocalypse at National Comedy Theatre
volunteers from 12/22/12 and 12/29/12 have the market cornered on adorable audience volunteering!
2/1/13 this is Adam the Fireman who dinged and ducked his way through Dinner at Joes
this voluteer from 2/8/13 was so funny she made the whole place go blurry!
Valentines Volunteers!
Kate helped with Moving Bodies and walked away with a bunch a free tickets!
she got "wooed" by the team at Valentines Shows on 2/9
and Sam spent her 21st birthday at NCT getting picked up by Pick Up Lines on 2/9/13, Happy Birthday, Sam!
Cant wait to see the rest of you SuperFans at National Comedy Theatre!