Monday, October 8, 2012

A New Generation on the Horizon's a pun...

Horizon High School had their first Improv League class of the year.

This being the 5th season of the League, it is also the first year that we have had a complete turn over. Horizon has a big new cast, a new faculty sponsor and it is pretty exciting to see where the team will go from here.

It is really wonderful and rewarding to see the High School League improv teams take their team practices, their shows, and the whole art of improv super seriously. Many of the HSIL performers commit to their teams as faithfully as footballers and baseballers commit to all that running and jumping.

A new season of shows is starting too, which brings the schools together. They get to meet their fellow players and experience the different styles of performance and play that develop among each team.

What happened to the former players who graduated already? Well, some of them perform with improv groups where they go to college... and some will soon be performing for you at NCT! One of Horizon High's 56th Street Comedy Club will officially become a National Comedy Theatre Main Stage Team player later this month. Players from Campo Verde's CopperPocalypse have also joined up, along side the 56th Streeters, in our Thursday Night Troupe.

There's something thrilling about a small army of super talented, super young improvisers that already have years of professional training.... world domination is certainly on the Horizon? (that time the pun was unintentional... but I refuse to delete it.)

Info on the High School Improv League is easily found by clicking here.
Awesome pics and vids of High School Improv League here. and here.

The dudes of 56th Street Comedy Club and the ladies of CopperPocalypse!

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